Step into your power around your healing gifts.
Welcome Sister,
I’m so excited to have you here!
Whether you desire to become a therapist or not, this is your opportunity to experience first-hand the benefits of Tantric Yoni Massage and access profound states of healing, liberation and pleasure.
The sexual wound is deeply embedded in our collective consciousness. The secret to unlocking it is through your body and your sexuality.
We carry somatic imprints from our past, inter-generational trauma and ancestral wounds that we have the power to heal, clear and transform.
Thoughout time, we’ve been condemned for speaking truth and damned for performing magic—embodying our authentic self and connection to spirit.
The yoni is a portal through which life is born. This is the deep work that ripples beyond gender— impacting generations to come.
Many women have come to me with all kinds of trauma, from past experiences, and from practitioners who were not prepared to hold this depth of space. I take it on as my duty to restore a high level of sacredness, integrity and humility to this delicate, sacred and vulnerable service to women.
This training is an opportunity to become a skilled Tantric Yoni Massage Therapist.
This is not just a therapist training. This is where you open your body, heart & soul to Spirit.
A Tantric Yoni Massage Ceremony is a full body devotional massage which includes the sacred yoni—both external and internal massage using specific points and techniques. You’ll explore a powerful yet gentle somatic approach to yoni mapping and de-armouring of the yoni, g-spot and cervix.
This is beyond a massage, this is a sacred ceremony—which touches beyond the physical body, into the deep energetic layers, and into the soul.
You will learn the structure, important elements to include, how to perform the massage, and you’ll also get to add in your own flavour and develop trust in your intuition.
By the end of this training, you’ll know the etiquette of holding deep, vulnerable and magical space for someone. You’ll get tons of practice so it becomes second nature.
This is not just something you’ll learn—it’s something you’ll become.
A Tantric Massage is about more than technique, it’s about holding safe space and transmitting your own healing journey through your touch and presence.
To hold someone through their trauma, shadows and the intensity of their emotions requires practice and training.
Becoming a skilled therapist is not just about what you know, it’s who you are.
Your energy and transmission is everything. If you haven’t held yourself through intense emotions, you will not be able to hold others.
YOU are the safe space through your embodiment. You don’t need proof of what you’ve done, studied or how long you’ve done it. Your frequency and embodiment will be liberating, healing, and activating in itself.
In this training, you’ll learn how to regulate your own nervous system, receive trauma-informed teachings and practical tools to apply for yourself and guide your clients into.
Benefits of a Tantric Yoni Massage:
Become more connected with your body, yoni, femininity and sexuality
Experience different types of pleasure and orgasmic states
Heal yourself from pain & trauma
Become independent and empowered in your sexuality
Raise your sexual vibration and attract better lovers
Use your sexual energy to energize your health, creativity, business, relationships & spirituality

Feels a deep calling into the path of the sacred feminine.
Is ready to transform her wounds into wisdom—THIS is the medicine that will qualify her to hold space for others.
Is brave & courageous to meet her shadows, trauma and vulnerability.
Is willing to be seen & held in a group of like-hearted women.
Is here to heal & transform the sisterhood wound once and for all—embracing & celebrating herself & her sisters.
Is ready to rise into her next phase of embodiment and sovereignty.
Is a devoted student of life, and seeker of truth.
Intuitively knows this initiation is the next key on her soul’s journey.
Is committed to BEING the change she desires to see in the world—she knows she is powerful and her presence makes a difference.
This is for the woman who…
This is NOT for the woman who…
Wants to learn something because it’s a new fad.
Just wants to learn another technique.
Just wants to make money.
Isn’t willing to meet her shadows, take self-responsibility and show up to do the work, especially when it’s challenging.
Runs away when life gets tough.
Thinks she’s already got it figured out.
You are…
A Healer at heart
You love touch
You are all-inclusive and non-judgmental of others
Ready to be seen and witnessed by your sisters and hold them in that same love & compassion
Curious what your body is capable of; the pleasure, beauty and bliss of being in a feminine body!
Here at the Yoni Temple Training,
We offer an intimate group setting so that students get the best possible training. Spots are limited to 12 women.
This assures you have direct access to the head teacher, personal assessment and valuable feedback.
If you are passionate and devoted to your service, you will return your investment on this training within a short period of time. This avant-guard modality is just beginning to rapidly expand. This service is needed now more than ever.
You’ll learn everything you need to know to hold a Tantric Yoni Massage Ceremony from preparation, beginning to end, aftercare and follow-up. You’ll gain the tools and experience to confidently begin your journey as a Tantric Yoni Massage Therapist.
When you have fully integrated and are ready to launch your business, you’ll have the opportunity to be featured in the graduates directory on our website in your world location.
Through the Yoni Temple Training, you’ll:
Feel confident through your own embodiment & inner-knowing
Feel prepared to hold many different women in their experiences as you’ll have normalised a variety of different experiences, traumas, energies & body types through practice
Have a blueprint structure for your biz
What you’ll learn:
A step by step breakdown of a 3hr Tantric Yoni Massage Ceremony
Devotional FULL body massage including breasts, belly, and internal yoni
The 5 attitudes of Tantra Massage
The 8 pillars of space-holding
How to hold a sacred ceremony and ritual space (the elements of ceremony)
How to prepare, integration, after-care & follow-up
Trauma-informed somatic practices to support your clients and restore safety in their nervous system
Boundaries & consent
The magic of Sublimation & transfiguration
A training manual; all you need to prep yourself and your clients for radical transformation and healing
All you’ll need to hold high-calibre space and offer a potent rite of passage as a therapist
Integrating your soul service, spirituality, business and your unique priestess path
Build your biz workshop; finding your unique approach to this modality, your heroine’s journey
and more…!
Post-training monthly 1h live ZOOM calls for 6 months — Q & A and group check-ins
Telegram Group chat to stay connected
Graduation requirements:
Full attendance of this training is required to complete your certification. If something arises that you cannot attend a class, you must speak with the head teacher directly to evaluate your case.
Students will be asked to complete a written final exam.
Students will receive a personal assessment on the massage flow and spaceholding skills.
Group practicums with feedback from your peers.
Students will have 6 months to complete x amount of hours and massages on practice clients with feedback sheets to hand in.
Yoni Massage industry pricing:
This work is highly respected, still avant-guard and becoming highly sought after. Sessions last between 2.5-3 hrs, sometimes more, and cannot be rushed. The energetic exchange for this deserves to be matched. A yoni massage session can vary, up to $333 or more depending on your world location.
It can also be offered on a sliding scale donation base which feels in alignment, to be accessible to a wider range of women. This is entirely up to you. Truly there is no price tag to this sacred work. It is a rite of passage, and honor to hold. Feeling a fair energetic exchange for your time and energy no matter what you do is essential to continue fuelling your service and purpose.
Remembering integrity, humility & generosity is primordial. Above all, Yoni Massage is an offering to the goddess. And when you serve with purity of intention, it ALWAYS comes back to you multiplied.
Are you ready to make a massive impact and prosperous income in a rapidly expanding field that needs more qualified, inspired, and talented therapists and healers?
(Or, continue to main page for more info & the FAQ’s)
Meet your Guide…
Hi Sister, I’m Thalia Devi, founder of Yoni Temple, High Priestess, Tantric Embodiment & Sacred Sexuality Guide and Teacher.
As a trauma-informed advanced Tantra Massage Therapist and Teacher, I am devoted to Women’s Yoni Massage.
I first discovered my gift of touch at the age of 8, on body and spirit. Then in my mid 20’s, after years of substance abuse, when I could no longer ignore the screams inside my body, life set me out on a healing quest. Touch saved my life. It brought me back into my body when I could no longer feel. I was numb and dissociated physically and emotionally, due to sexual trauma.
I have been on the sacred sexuality path for the past 7 years and gathered countless certifications over the last decade. Beyond the trainings, life itself has initiated me. It is my own healing journey, embodiment and deep devotion to this work that prepared me to offer you a masterful transmission of this sacred offering to the Goddess.
I have helped over 100+ women heal their sexuality and reconnect to their womb and pleasure through my signature 1:1 Tantric Yoni Massage Ceremonies, and The Pleasure Priestess Mentorship.
It is an honour to empower women to embody their Inner-Priestess. To live in alignment with their heart's desires from a place of deep self-knowing and intuitive confidence.
Through the Yoni Temple Training, I intend to support you to do the same—to connect with the full magic and wisdom of your body, deepen your intuitive prowess, and ignite a life that is guided by pleasure and purpose.
This training will thoroughly prepare and empower you to hold sacred space for more women to experience this incredibly potent and transformative healing modality. For the amount of women in need of this healing, there are not enough qualified therapists out there—we have an entire planet to reach!
If you feel a sincere calling inside your heart into this sacred work, it is an honour to walk hand in hand with women ready to BE the change, and revolutionise our collective experience of sexuality—as a pathway to liberation and reclamation of our divinity.