Men's Coaching
Your journey to freedom, power and confidence in the bedroom & beyond…
“Freedom is an inner state and you have the power to create it for yourself.”
A 1:1 virtual coaching container to unlock your full masculine power, embody confident leadership and learn to harness your sexual energy in the bedroom and beyond.
You desire to…
Feel sexually attractive and powerful
Connect to your body’s sexual power
Feel confident in your ability to attract sexual partners
Learn to harness and use your sexual energy in the bedroom and beyond
Take your partners to the highest levels of ecstasy
Discover hidden pleasure and multi orgasmic potential (yes, men can be multi-orgasmic!)
You are ready to…
Commit to a regular and intentional practice
Rewire negative conditioning around what it means to “be a man”
Re-write your own story and beliefs around masculinity
Deprogram sexual narratives from pornography
Do deep work to unwind sexual trauma
Your Coaching journey includes:
Embodiment training (getting you comfortable in your own skin)
Reparenting (healing the father/mother wound/caretaker wound)
Activating eros (sexual energy)
Igniting your primal nature
Learning the microcosmic orbit (a powerful tool for solo and partner sex)
Practicing the 5 holistic sex tools
Guided meditations, breathwork and coaching sessions
Working together
In working together, I offer you an unconditionally loving and confidential container to explore your relationship to your power and your sexuality.
We'll uncover your unique expression in sex, love and relationships by diving deeply into your desires while addressing any potential obstacles holding you back from your authentic expression of masculinity, your primal nature and your highest joy.
We will explore a variety of powerful holistic tools to engage your whole being; body, mind, soul and energy. Some of these tools include; breathwork, guided meditations, visualizations, pleasure-based practices, somatic embodiment, 1:1 virtual coaching and much more.
The method and approach I use is unique as it incorporates the philosophical wisdom of tantra with the understanding of neurobiology and science based research to work with the nervous system to create safety. We’ll address a variety of desires having to do with your sex life, your body-mind consciousness, your ability to access pleasure, transform relationships, feel powerful in your masculinity, release past lovers, awaken and cultivate sexual energy, strengthen your orgasmic potential, and so much more.
Each session is specifically curated to meet your needs and actualize your desires during our coaching together.
What’s included:
8 x 60min private weekly online coaching sessions (8 weeks)
Customized “homeplay” including self-pleasure practices and partner pleasure practices (if applicable), reading material, breath training, actionable real life tasks, recorded audio practices and more
Reading material to support your journey
Support in between sessions via whatsapp (Mon-Fri)
* Option to extend coaching on a session to session basis is welcome.
Client Testimonials
“Connecting to the primal energy inside of me is really a game changer! I’ve been accessing it by bits, and this morning I did a simple breathwork with that intention in mind… it felt like a dense, fierce and strong energy coming all the way through my spine like a snake sliding through a tight place and through the top of my head… now I am asking deeply how can I integrate this kind of energy with all the other ones I’m working with inside of me!” - Louis
“What was really precious in my working with Thalia was beyond the techniques and the guidance on the verbal/mind level (although she is definitely full of resources on that side), but rather the insight, the wisdom that was unfolding from the converging of our two “deeper selves”, meeting together. This created a wonderful space to experiment and be surprised by what would come out as “me” in the moment. Discovering new parts of myself is really what opened me up to growth and new possibilities.”
“Thank you so much for today, this was a very strong and amazing life event for me. This took me deeper than any drug ever did! Thank you!!” - Dom